Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm Weak and He's Not

A few weeks ago I was reminded of a very simple yet profound concept...God's greatness. Yeah, yeah...I know it sounds really cliche and unfortunately we through that phrase around without giving it much thought. But at the time it was nothing short of amazing. What I realized then and have come to see even more is that there is only ONE solution for my weakness. It isn't to "fix" myself to be a better person (by the way, God never said to improve the old man that's why He gave us the new man!), it isn't to try just a little harder next time. It is to lean even harder into the strength of God and rest in His amazing ability to support me. Two foundation ideas have surfaced in all of this...I am weak and God is great. The first part isn't very hard to figure out. Most of us can acknowledge that we are weak. I am more aware than anybody else of my great weakness - my capacity to sin, my tendency to be selfish, my fear, etc. But what I must grab hold of even more is God's greatness in the middle of my circumstances. He is sufficient to provide for everything that I need. The best thing I can do when I am made aware of my weakness is to rest in His ability to carry me and to trust His faithful love that has never left me.

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