Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wiped out and ready to go!

I’ve noticed something. There is a definite difference in my level of tiredness (is that a word???) depending on what activity causes it. I’m typically a night owl. I can and do stay up late pretty often. The only problem with this is that I have a job! And getting to work by 7 after a late night often necessitates a large coffee, 8 creams and 4 sugars, from McD’s. However, I have noticed that my reason for being up late often makes a difference in how I feel. For example, yesterday I (along with my sister and parents) drove to Brunswick, Georgia for a family funeral visitation. It was great getting to see family and reconnect with them, even under those circumstances. However, driving back from Brunswick caused a late night and an early morning. But strangely enough, I felt somehow a little rested! Yes I was tired, but it was different. If I stay up ‘til 1 AM because I’m chatting on Facebook or watching a MacGyver episode, then I am usually wiped out like a zombie the next morning. To me, it seems that God provides a special grace and strength that sustains us when the needs in our life necessitate a late night or extended periods of physical or emotional strain. Not that it is easy, but it’s bearable because God is sustaining us during a time that’s a little out of the ordinary (whatever ordinary is!). Now I’m not saying that God’s grace depends on our performance…let’s not even go there because that’s a different issue. BUT, when I am living the fullness of the life of Christ and following the leading of His Spirit, I can rest in the fact that He will provide for what I need. He will multiply rest, finances, and resources to keep us sustained and strengthened. Usually the times when I am tired beyond repair, or stressed out financially, is when I have been a poor steward of those resources. It’s like God is saying, “I gave you enough time to get adequate sleep, now go to bed!”. Or, “I’ve provided for all your needs, but don’t waste your money on the vending machine!” Again, it’s not a performance trap to get God’s favor. It’s knowing I have God’s favor and resting in His abundant provision – while also making the best use of what He has already provided. Instead of dragging through the day thinking, “Here I go again with only 4 hours of sleep”, I can trust that He will get me through with sufficient provision. When I waste my night, staying up late for no reason and waking up tired only makes me feel like I’m rehearsing the same old story – amazed at my stupidity in repeating the same mistake! But knowing I’m involved in the things God is blessing causes a much different response and makes a late night or stretched bank account well worth it.

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